Long Live the Lunchbox

This is an exciting new campaign – Long Live the Lunchbox – aimed at reducing plastic waste at lunch by encouraging people to bring their own reusable containers when grabbing food on the go!

There are currently got over 60 cafes/fast food restaurants signed up (with a “we accept your containers here” sticker in their window) to help people enjoy single-use-plastic free food on the go. By connecting conscious consumers and like-minded businesses, we’re combating excessive plastic packaging together, one full tummy at time!

Long Live the Lunchbox is a 4 week Instagram-led campaign which will encourage consumers to think about the impact of single-use lunchtime packaging, hopefully encouraging them to opt for a more sustainable alternative (like bringing their own tupperware/lunchbox!). There is also launched a map where food container friendly locations are featured: https://globalactionplan.org.uk/long-live-the-lunchbox.

Click to download the flyer.