What is the TRANSITION movement?
The Transition movement describes itself as ‘A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world.’
Tran • si • tion [tran – zish – uhn]
n. 1. passage from one form, state, style or place to another
2. a period of transformation.
Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.
In practice, they are reclaiming the economy, sparking entrepreneurship, reimagining work, re-skilling themselves and weaving webs of connection and support. It’s an approach that has spread to over 50 countries, in thousands of groups: in towns, villages, cities, Universities, schools. One of the key ways it spreads is through telling inspiring stories, and that’s part of what we aim to do on this website. We really hope you feel inspired to take part; we’d be honoured if you did.
So Transition Buxton is not alone. We are part of the global Transition Network, which supports thousands of transition initiatives around the world and we work closely with similar groups around the High Peak, Derbyshire and the Staffordshire Moorlands.