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Kermit Was Right

Mini-seminar number twenty-two was Kermit Was Right ‘Kermit Was Right’ an argument against the idea that being green is easy with Terry Newholm. In a speech to the UN, Boris Johnson challenged the message of Muppets character Kermit the..

Climate Justice

Mini-seminar number twenty-one was Climate Justice. Transition Buxton is part of the Transition Towns movement and one of our principles is to promote inclusivity and social justice. In any crisis existing inequalities and vulnerabilities become exacerbated and we..


Mini-seminar number nineteen was on Retrofitting We live in a town with lots of older and post-war properties that need upgraded to make them sustainable, comfortable and affordable to live in. Transition Buxton Members Steve Taylor and Charles Huff..

Buxton Wild Weeks

Mini-seminar number eighteen was on Buxton Wild Weeks We were told about all the exciting activities that are being planned to help our schools and community get wild about Buxton. Buxton Wild Weeks are open for everyone to enjoy…

Zero Carbon Britain

Number sixteenth was Zero Carbon Britain. Paul Allen from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales spoke about the CAT Zero Carbon Britain plan, roadmap, and courses.