
Thinking Globally, acting locally – Transition Buxton is a group of local people concerned about the environment working to improve our community’s resilience through practical actions and projects.

Excitingly the Library of Things is now up and running so please click here to read all about it.

Everyone who lives or works in Buxton and the surrounding area is very welcome to attend a meeting, suggest a new project, volunteer, become a Member, join our emailing list, interact with us on social media, or indeed to make a donation. Everyone has something to contribute to solving the biggest challenge we humans have ever faced. Lets make Buxton a hive of eco-activity that will help us get through the tough times ahead.

Repair Cafe – on 26th October 2024

Look out for our sign

The next Repair Café will be on Saturday 26th October 2024 from 9:30 AM until 1 PM at the Methodist Church on the market place as usual.

This is a great opportunity to bring along that non-working or broken item and see of one of our repairers can fix it for you. 

Rather than just consigning it to history come and see if it can be a part of your future as well and help reduce waste into the bargain!

Click on our sign to the left to read more about the Repair Café.

Upcoming Events

  • Potato Day (at January Repair Cafe) – Saturday 25th January 2025.

Last Update 26/10/24